Covid-19 Updates

All our Classik Hotel Collection properties are open
the mask requirement is lifted, and there is also no longer a testing requirement.
Our Hygiene Concept
Your health is very important to us – that is why consistently flawless hygiene, and ensuring that you always feel safe during your stay, are our top priorities.
Our employees receive constant training, are regularly tested and always adhere to the latest local regulations.
We have developed a dedicated hygiene concept in line with the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), for both our hotels as a whole and specifically for our event and conference facilities.
More information ➛ is available here
Please do not visit us if you have any symptoms typical of COVID-19.
Face masks
FFP2 masks must be worn in all public areas.
The tables in our hotels are well spaced, and we maintain a distance of 1.5m.
Please wash and disinfect your hands regularly. Take care to cough or sneeze into your elbow.
COVID - 19 testing
Our guests and staff are offered daily COVID-19 tests.
Mobile air purifiers
We use certified mobile air purifiers in all public areas and offices.
Electronic payments
We prefer electronic payment by credit card and are happy to send you your bill by e-mail.
Increased frequency of cleaning
All rooms are cleaned and disinfected using professional equipment at regular intervals.
Luca App
You can check in using the Luca app here.
Sealed rooms
Guest rooms are sealed after cleaning.
Your Event
We have amended and limited our maximum capacities.
We disinfect all surfaces and materials after use.