Classik® Hotel Martinshof, Munich
How to reach the Classik® Hotel Martinshof, Munich
Directions to the hotel from Munich Hauptbahnhof
Take the local rail (S-Bahn) line S2 towards Erding and alight at Riem, then walk eight minutes to Martin-Empl-Ring 8. Take U-Bahn line U2 to Messestadt Ost then bus line 183 towards Arabellapark or 190 towards Ostbahnhof Friedenstraße and alight at Martin-Empl-Ring, then walk two minutes to Martin-Empl-Ring 8. If not otherwise indicated on your rail ticket you only need a single ticket (from EUR 3.30) for the hotel.
Directions to the hotel from Munich Ostbahnhof
Take the local rail (S-Bahn) line S2 towards Erding and alight at Riem, then walk eight minutes to Martin-Empl-Ring 8. Take U-Bahn line U2 to Messestadt Ost then bus line 183 towards Arabellapark or 190 towards Ostbahnhof Friedenstraße and alight at Martin-Empl-Ring, then walk two minutes to Martin-Empl-Ring 8. If not otherwise indicated on your rail ticket you only need a single ticket (from EUR 3.30) for the hotel.
Directions to the hotel from Munich Marienplatz
Take the local rail (S-Bahn) line S2 towards Erding and alight at Riem, then walk eight minutes to Martin-Empl-Ring 8. Take U-Bahn line U2 to Messestadt Ost then bus line 183 towards Arabellapark or 190 towards Ostbahnhof Friedenstraße and alight at Martin-Empl-Ring, then walk two minutes to Martin-Empl-Ring 8. If not otherwise indicated on your rail ticket you only need a single ticket (from EUR 3.30) for the hotel.
Directions to the hotel from Munich Airport
Take the local rail (S-Bahn) line S8 towards Herrsching, change at Leuchtenbergring to local rail (S-Bahn) line S2 towards Erding and alight at Riem, then walk eight minutes to Martin-Empl-Ring 8. If not otherwise indicated on your rail ticket you only need a single ticket (from EUR 11.50) for the hotel.