Our contribution to Jona’s House
Total in 2023
Total in 2022
COVID-19 2021
Total in 2020
*Simone Graebner, the owner of the company, takes the generous initiative of personally doubling the amount of the donation every year.
Where does the money come from?
We live by our conviction conviction that we must contribute and recognise our social responsibilities. That’s why the Classik Hotel Collection supports the Jona Foundation’s childcare facilities. In the past we have raised money for the foundation in a variety of ways. They have included benefit concerts and special packages for our guests with a proportion of the proceeds going directly to Jona’s Haus.
Our guests can also actively support the Jona Foundation; for every cancelled room clean we donate EUR 2 to the foundation.
A big heart for small children
We regularly organise fun events and entertainment for the children from the Jona Foundation, including at Christmas and Easter. These events are a special opportunity to give the children from the Jona Foundation an unforgettable, happy time together.
Easter 2024 with the Jona children
Once again this year, there was a colourful programme for the children of the Jona Foundation at the Classik Hotel Alexander Plaza. After a hearty breakfast, General Manager Eric Neumann and his team from Sales, Kitchen and Service organised an egg hunt and a creative muffin painting session for the large number of little guests.

Jona Day at the Classik Hotel Alexander Plaza / 7 February 2024
The kids from Jona’s House were back at the Classik Hotel Alexander Plaza for the first time this year. There was a lot of fun and laughter. One part of the hotel was transformed into a magical face painting corner. Our young guests’ faces were transformed in artworks with creative designs and bright colours. After lunch, the children decorated cakes before they went home.
Playground Renovation at Jona House / 24 August 2023
On a beautiful sunny day the staff from the Classik Hotel Collection’s headquarters gathered at Jona’s House armed with paintbrushes and tools to renovate the playground. Together with the kids, they painted the swings in lively colours and pulled out weeds. The feeling of being part of a living community is overwhelming. Their social engagement did not feel like an obligation; instead it was a special moment full of joy and affection.
Easter 2023
In 2023, our Easter event included a traditional egg and spoon race and an exciting hunt for mistakes in our hotel rooms. After all the fun, we enjoyed a big lunch with the hotel manager, where the children were spoiled by our chefs. The kids also had the chance to express their creativity by painting Easter bunnies.
We are pleased to support the Jona Foundation, and hope that we will be able to continue contributing to the important work of Jona’s House in the future. If you want to find out more about the Jona Foundation and its work, or if you want to make a donation, please visit the foundation’s official website.
The Jona Foundation
Jona’s Haus, which is run by the Jona Foundation, has been supporting children and young people from difficult backgrounds since 2006. Here young people find warmth, appreciation, practical support, and a range of educational and leisure offerings – including a training kitchen, craft room and bicycle workshop – 365 days a year.
Every day it offers a warm lunch, help with school and homework, workshops, targeted support in the transition from school to working life, time for sport and play – and not least a sense of community, someone to talk to and sensitivity to life’s challenges, whether small or large. The foundation also celebrates birthdays and holidays like Christmas with the kids. For many children and young people that makes Jona’s Haus a home from home.
In 2019 the Jona foundation opened its second facility. Its residential units offer children and young people a second home when they can no longer stay at their own home, or have nowhere to live.
The staff at Jona’s Haus are grateful for every donation that will allow the foundation to continue its important work:
Donation account
Jona Foundation
IBAN: DE37 1007 0000 0724 6663 00
Contact number for donations of equipment and other support: +49 (0)177 979 3357